Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated students and enthusiastic parents with high expectations, if you looking for high quality educational experience then this college is for you.
It gives me immense pleasure and a feeling of accomplishment to address you as the principal of the prestigious college. We are committed to providing our students with a wide variety of apportunities in order to help them attain their highest potentials.Our college cares for the individual development of each and every student.
Our college endowed with progressive futuristic outlook aims continual growth in the quality of all academic activities with a sense of commitment to fully meet the expectations of the students, parents and society at large.
Chandragiri BE.D College For Women's looks at education in terms of quantity as well as of knowledge given to the students and also possesses a progressive and innovative outlook with traditional roots. I assure that our administration and my team of dedicated and highly qualified faculty are totally committed to produce students of a very high caliber to meet the growing and ever changing demands of industries and global market.
We believe in this :"Education is not utilitarian, it is emancipatory"